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Rug.Osc / Parsing messages and bundles from strings

With Rug.Osc any osc message or bundle can be parsed from a string and conversely calling the ToString method on any message or bundle will result in a string that is compatible with parsing.

Message format

The format of osc messages consists of a osc-address optionally followed by a csv of argument values. There is no need to include the osc typetag in the string as it is derived from the types of the parsed arguments.

With no arguments

With arguments
/bar, 1, 2.3f, 4, 5, 6, "string", true

Bundle format

Bundles are prefixed with the "#bundle" identifier followed by a osc-timetag then a csv of osc-packets (messages or bundles. Each osc-packet must be surrounded with curly braces "{ .. }".

#bundle, 23-08-2013 01:00:34.3530Z, { /foo, 42 }, { /bar, 1, 2, 3 }

Parsing osc messages, bundles and packets

To explicitly parse a osc message from a string call the static Parse, TryParse or any of the overrides.


OscMessage parsed = OscMessage.Parse("/foo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, \"This is a string\"");

To explicitly parse a osc bundle from a string call the static Parse, TryParse or any of the overrides.


OscBundle parsed = OscBundle.Parse("#bundle, 23-08-2013 01:00:34.3530Z, { /foo, 42 }");

Or you can parse a osc packet directly.


OscPacket parsed1 = OscPacket.Parse("/foo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, \"This is a string\"");
OscPacket parsed2 = OscPacket.Parse("#bundle, 23-08-2013 01:00:34.3530Z, { /foo, 42 }");


Listed below are examples of valid message and bundle strings for various argument types.

Integer (Int32)
/foo, 42
/foo, 0x2A

Long (Int64)
/foo, 12334L
/foo, 0x13C1DA49E6B50B0F

Float (Single)
/foo, 123.34
/foo, 123.34f
/foo, 123.45e+6 
/foo, +500
/foo, 5e2
/foo, 600.
/foo, -.123
/foo, -Infinity
/foo, -1E-16

/foo, 123.34d

/foo, "string"

/foo, SymbolString

Bool (Boolean)
/foo, true
/foo, false

Color (ARGB)
/foo, { Color: Red }
/foo, { Color: 255, 255, 0, 255 }

/foo, null
/foo, nil

/foo, { Time: 00:00:34.3532Z }
/foo, { Time: 0x13C1DA49E6B50B0F }
/foo, { Time: 1234 }

Additionally any of these datetime formats can be used. 
"dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"
"dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.ffff" 

Any of these can be postfixed with a 'Z' to indicate that the time should be interpreted as UTC rather than local time.

Osc-Impulse / Infinitum
/foo, infinitum
/foo, impulse
/foo, bang

Char (byte)
/foo, 'Q'

Blob (byte array)
/foo, { Blob: 1, 2, 3, 4 } 
/foo, { Blob: 0x01020304 } 
/foo, { Blob: 64xAQIDBA== } 

/foo, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

#bundle, 23-08-2013 01:00:34.3530Z, { /foo, 42 }
